Learn together, grow together - give your child the best start on their swimming journey.
9 modules - approximately 1 hour
-Gain knowledge on the learn to swim process for infants.
-Get practical tips on how to start at home.
-Arm yourself with knowledge, and learn what makes great learn to swim school
-Get practical tips on how to start at home.
-Arm yourself with knowledge, and learn what makes great learn to swim school
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Meet the instructorS
Peter Dalle Cort
& Jessie Jones
Swim Schoolers Pete and Jess have instructed thousands of infants over the past 15 years at their Swim School in Cairns, Australia. They help Swim Schools around Australia design and modify programs, and train staff to deliver world class infant swimming lessons. Pete and Jess are thought leaders in the swimming industry, regularly presenting lectures and workshops to swimming teachers from around the world.
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See what our clients have to say!
Now we know what to look for in a good swim school!
I recommend this course to all my friends with infants. It's vital information.
I have had all 3 of my kids through the Welcome to Water program.
I learned how to take the swimming journey at my Childs pace.